Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy three months old, Abby!


Dear Abby,

You are doing so much all the time now! I don’t think I will have any front hair left by  the time you are done learning how to grab things. Taking you to restaurants (like we did last night for Aunt Melissa’s birthday) is always an adventure. You love meeting new people and charming them with your smiles, but when you have had enough, boy, you have had enough and only mommy will do.

You smile about 80% of the time you are awake, and are so absolutely engaging. Strangers stop all the time to talk to you because you peer out over my shoulder at them. 

You are in love with the toys that dangle over your car seat, and in your good moments you will sit in the backseat and squeal and giggle at them. You don’t ordinarily like the car though, which is a huge departure from Zoe. She loved it at your age.

And speaking of your sister, you two love each other. It’s great to watch your whole body convulse with excitement when you see her and she’s talking to you. She loves when she gets the chance to take a bath with you or hold you.

We swear that you are already saying “hi” and “mama” and it’s not a coincidence. You do it too much not to mean it! When you are very upset, you stop crying and just start yelling “mum” over and over again.

You just figured out that you love pacifiers and now look like a little Maggie Simpson when you are asleep. You are still wearing cloth diapers 95% of the time, and are 100% breastfed. In fact, you are vehemently opposed to the idea of a bottle. We have let you taste avocado, and you were undecided. The whole family is aghast that if I eat too much garlic, it seems to make you spit up!

We didn’t even realize just how much we were missing by not having you, and now we have you and can’t imagine life without you!

