Saturday, December 26, 2009

Little more info..

Yes, so I was terribly remiss about updating this blog in the last nine months. It's very easy to sit down and do when Chris is gone, but when he is home I get so caught up in living life that I sometimes forget to document it!

The new baby is a girl, we found out the gender, couldn't help ourselves. Her name is going to be Abigail Bobby Hall, which Zoe essentially chose with some help from Chris's sister. It means "her father's grace" and is a character on Sesame Street. The middle name is after Chris's grandmother who he was very close to. We have been calling her Abby for months now, so it's essentially a done deal!

The other big news is that she is HUGE. As in was already nine pounds two weeks ago. My husband and mother have been infinitely patient with the fact that her size has caused near constant contractions for the past month. They show up on the monitors, they are big, they are there, they are just doing....NOTHING! So sometimes things get a little exciting and then just peter out. We have had a few false alarms, like the one last night where we spent several hours at the hospital getting fluids and anti nausea medications with my poor mother asleep on the couch in our living room and my poor husband in an uncomfortable chair in the triage unit at St Joe's. Don't know what I would do without them, honestly.

So Monday morning at 6:15 am we head in for induction, and hopefully all will go well and be over with soon. I think everyone is ready for this pregnancy to be OVER. Chris plans to keep this updated in real time during the delivery, and he is a LOT better about following up then I am.

Thanks for all the well wishes from everyone! Can't wait to post some pictures of our new baby here.

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting!! I can't wait to see pictures. We will be checking the blog on Monday to see how things are going. ~Tawny
