Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Nine Months Aberdeen!

Dear Abby,

Let's start with the most important thing: THANK YOU! Thank you for letting me sleep through the night. It took eight and a half months, but we are finally there. By the night, I mean you still wake up at four am but you sleep from 6:30 until then so we are all much happier people. The renewed energy

We have moved into our new house, and it has been wonderful for you. You love to crawl and explore everywhere. You are trying to get up all the time. You put your hands in front of you put your feet on the ground and try to get up. You also cruise around the furniture. We don't think it's going to be long now.

You are also a champion babbler. You are definitely saying momma and dada and it's directed at us. When daddy gets home from work, you immediately start yelling at him and waving your little arms like you are trying to fly until he gives you his attention.

Speaking of the arm thing, it's hilarious. Whenever you want anything, you turn into a bonafide windmill. It happens when you want out of your crib, when you want me, when you want a ball, when you see your sister getting off the bus or when ANYBODY has food.

You loove to eat. You manage almost half an avocado, and do a funny little song where you hold up whatever you eat. You also really love to plant your mouth on an apple and suck the juice out of it. It also makes for a hilarious sight.

I can't even stand how much I love you most days.


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